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A ? for Jonathan
Posted by johnhpower
11/22/2008  7:03:00 AM
Would you please explain the difference between a Throwaway and a Throwaway Oversway and how they relate to each other in terms of execution. Any video demonstrating the 2 would be appreciated.

Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by Polished
11/22/2008  2:01:00 PM
johnpower. There is a Throwaway in Jive which has nothing to do with a Throwaway Oversway in the Standard Style which is a picture step.. They are as different as chalk and cheese.
In the Jive the lady instead of the Change of Places right left were she goes under the man's left arm. In the Fallaway she goes from the man's right to his left without going under.
Same timing . No turn. The man's left hand is kept low at about hip level.This can be followed by the normal Change of Places left to right.
Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by Waltz123
11/22/2008  8:00:00 PM
I'm not aware of a difference. I always thought Throwaway was short for Throwaway Oversway. At least, that's how I've always used it.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you. Perhaps someone else here has different information.


Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by terence2
11/23/2008  2:24:00 AM
I believe the confusion may be from the term " Sway " .

There are 3 movements that are in the " group " .

First.. Oversway,, standard figure

second... Throw away O/Sway.. an extension of the above

third.. Scriveners description.. a " press down O.Sway " .... see # 2

Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by anymouse
11/23/2008  10:05:00 AM
I can't help wonder if the question that was meant to be asked was

"What is the difference between an oversway and a throwaway oversway"

But that is not of course what johnpower wrote, so we'll have to wait for him to expand on his question.
Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by Polished
11/23/2008  11:35:00 PM
On a Throwaway Oversway which is mostly called a Throwaway. The lady takes her left leg behind keeping her hips in contact with the partner. It shouldn't be difficult to find a photo from one of the comps. It is a picture line and can be held for extra music. It usually follows a Fallaway and a Double Reverse Spin. It is often then followed by a Wrong foot Lunge to the man's right which is followed by a Tele Spin with a Chasse to finish to the left. Which gives us Eight Bars of Waltz all up. The above is the most common used where I come from.
This is a good tip. After the Double Reverse Spin There is a Heel Turn for the lady into a Closed Telemark and then the Throwaway. On the Heel Turn the man's RF must track the ladies LF. Stepping wide will give a bad entry.
Re: A ? for Jonathan
Posted by phil.samways
11/25/2008  1:26:00 AM
Maybe the questioner was asking for the relationship between an 'oversway' and a 'throwaway oversway'?

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